Fluvanna Leadership Development Program
Application to Participate

For more information, contact:

Tammy Grigg (co-chair)
(434) 589-5558
Easton Loving (co-chair)
(434) 589-7859

Course Descriptions from 2010-2011

** Each class is preceded by a 30 minute “meet and greet” time beginning at 6:30 pm, with exception of the first class that begins at 6:30 p.m. and the Class Graduation that begins at 5:30 p.m.   


Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Historic Courthouse in Palmyra

We will begin with a walking tour of Palmyra Square, highlighting some of the village’s historical features and county office buildings. A brief visit to Maggie’s House and the Old Stone Jail Museum will be included.  Returning to the Historic Courthouse, you will be informed about the history and development of the leadership program.  A member of the Board of Supervisors will attend this session to help kick things off.

The second portion of this class will give an overview of early Fluvanna history, including the Monacan Indians, early villages and communities, and the Point of Fork Arsenal and Fluvanna’s role in the Revolutionary War.  We will also cover the importance of the James River Kanawha Canal and the Rivanna River and its navigation system.  Life in the taverns and plantations of an agrarian society, and how the Civil War affected the county will be explored.  We will touch on Fluvanna’s early government and founding fathers, the commerce of mills and gold mining, and the importance of the Airline Railroad.


Date:  Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time:  9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Beginning & Ending LocationCounty Library Parking Lot

We will meet at 9:00 AM at the parking lot of the library at Pleasant Grove for a bus tour of Fluvanna County, visiting places that are both well known and off the beaten track.  The tour will be narrated by long-time residents of the County.  In the morning we will visit Troy, Zion Crossroads, Kents Store, Wilmington, Columbia and Bremo.  Along the way we will point out places with historical, commercial, recreational and other interests.  Following a box lunch (provided for a minimum cost) at the Bremo Recreational Area, we will resume the tour visiting Fork Union, Cohasset, the Shores area, Kidds Store, Carysbrook and Palmyra.  We expect to be back at Pleasant Grove by around 4:00 PM.


Date:  Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

LocationHigh School Media Center     

This session is an introduction to the mechanics of Fluvanna County government and the bulk of the presentation will be done by members of the Board of Supervisors.  Our government structure will be explained. What is the role of the County Administrator and the County’s Department Heads?  What is the County’s vision and mission?  Discussion will also include major accomplishments in the last couple of years and issues that Fluvanna faces in the future. The Dillon Rule that impacts how localities govern will be defined along with the various relationships between the School Board, Board of Supervisors and key County Boards and Commissions. Representative(s) from the Board of Supervisors will be present and will discuss their duties, functions and responsibilities as they relate to the citizens of Fluvanna County. In addition, the County Treasurer and Commissioner of Revenue will join the discussion to outline how their offices interact with county government and other county offices.


Date:  Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  New Courthouse, Palmyra             

This class will introduce the rest of our constitutional officers who are elected by qualified voters of the county. As independent elected officials, the county's constitutional officers appoint their own deputies and employees. They also determine conditions of employment, including hours of work, within policies and procedures set by the Code and the State Compensation Board.  A panel of the Constitutional Officers will be present for this class to discuss and share with the class participants their respective duties and responsibilities.  In this session each Officer will welcome questions and interaction from class members. 


Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010  

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Fork Union Community Center   

What is the purpose of land use planning, how do we do it, what role does the Planning Commission play relative to the Board of Supervisors, and what role does the public play?  This class will introduce you to the County Planner and member(s) of the County Planning Commission who are responsible for guiding Fluvanna’s orderly growth and development.  The proposed comprehensive land use plan will affect future commercial and residential development as well as demands for public services and infrastructure.

The last portion of this class will introduce the class projects.  The class will be split into groups and the groups will select their tasks based on the work that key boards and commission wish to see the Class address.  The Steering Committee works annually with County leaders to develop a list of ideas that will engage class members in challenging questions of the day while developing information that the County can utilize to address the challenges posed.  The class projects allow you to apply your views, coupled with what you have learned in class, to challenges our County faces while working on a team with your fellow classmates


Date:  Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  School Board Office 

 What is education? Webster defines education as the process of educating or teaching.  It is further defined as a process used to develop the knowledge, skill or character of a student.  Others state that education involves the cultivation of an innocent mind, the instilling of values and principles in the minds of children. It includes the development of skills along with the achievement of one's physical, mental and social development. Fluvanna has a rich history and our schools have played an integral role in what we have become today.  In order to understand the foundation of our schools and education more appropriately, the first portion of this class will focus on the history of Fluvanna County Schools, and how this has molded our division to where they are today. The second portion of this class, will bring forth information of the programs and tools that are utilized in our system today and how we are preparing our students for life. 


Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM  

Location:  Lake Monticello Clubhouse

In addition to the structure of the Fluvanna County Government being covered in this overall education program, several other governmental or quasi-governmental bodies have an impact on the citizens of our county.  This session will look into some of these other governments that affect Fluvanna residents- including entities such as the Virginia State Government and the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association.  In this session, several speakers will discuss how county needs and issues are dealt within and by these other jurisdictions.


Date:  Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Tenaska Power Station 

You will be welcomed to the plant site by the Tenaska staff and given a tour of the facility prior to the beginning of class, so please arrive early for the meet and greet time.  Economic development is widely recognized as an important function of local government.  While most people think of Economic Development solely in terms of job creation, there are many other aspects to consider.  This session will explore Economic Development in depth:  What is it?  Why is this function so important to Fluvanna County?  How do we move forward with an Economic Development Plan that meets Fluvanna County’s needs and objectives?


Date:  Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:   Palmyra Fire Station 

Fluvanna County meets the needs of its citizens through a variety of agencies and organizations, including but not limited to: the Social Services Department, Health Department, Parks and Recreation, the Fluvanna County Fire Departments and Rescue Squad, the Lake Monticello Fire Department and Rescue Squad, the Jefferson Area Board for Aging (JABA), Fluvanna County Public Library, MACAA and JAUNT, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, 4-H and Meals on Wheels. Over the next three sessions, representatives of some of these agencies / departments and organizations will explain how they function and interact to improve the lives of Fluvanna citizens.

This first session will begin with representatives from the Social Services Department and the Health Department explaining their activities providing services to all the various age groups within Fluvanna County. The second half will cover the services provided the entire county by the Lake Monticello Fire Department and Rescue Squad and the Water Rescue Team.


Date:  Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Lake Monticello Fire & Rescue Building 

As a continuation from your last class, during the first half of the evening you will continue to learn about the departments and agencies, both regional and county,that serve the human and community needs of Fluvanna County.  The first half of this session will cover the services provided by the Fluvanna County Fire Department and Rescue Squad. The second half will focus on the programs and organizations provided the youth of Fluvanna County through The Fluvanna Parks and Recreation, the Girl Scout and Boy Scout organizations, and 4-H, all of which depend heavily on community volunteers.


Date:  Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Lake Christian Church 

This last session on volunteer organizations that play a major role in meeting the needs and development of the people of Fluvanna County will focus on services provided the older members of the community, and include presentations by representatives from MACAA, JABA, JAUNT, Meals on Wheels, and the Senior Center.  Class members are encouraged to support such organizations and to come up with ways to improve or support Fluvanna, using what is always a community’s greatest resource, its people.


Date:  Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  Fork Union Military Academy Library  

For this session, we will invite several graduates of the Fluvanna Leadership Development Program, who are now members of key Boards and Commissions, to participate in a panel discussion.  They will share their experiences since they have become directly involved in County Government.  This interactive program will give you an opportunity to learn what goes on in the minds of our County leaders as they guide and direct our affairs.


Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Location:  High School Media Center    

Tonight is your night to share, as you will present the work on your class projects to your fellow classmates, members of the Leadership Steering Committee, invited guests from the County Administrator’s office, the Board of Supervisors, the School Board, the Planning Commission, and any other County groups that participated in the development of the class project.  Ample time will be provided following each project presentation for a question and answer period.  Finally, you will be asked to critique the Leadership Class and help us improve for next year. 


Date: Monday, March 28, 2011  

Time: 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Location: Lake Monticello Clubhouse                    

The final session of the Fluvanna Leadership Development Program will be centered on a graduation dinner to be held in the Faulconer Room at the Lake Monticello Clubhouse.  A guest speaker will further inform participants as to the needs, opportunities and rewards of citizen leadership and volunteerism.  The program has hoped to show that when ordinary citizens emerge as leaders and choose to remain committed to the common good, their efforts and their example can indeed play a major role in making Fluvanna County a better place to live, work and enjoy life.


[Introduction] [Program Overview] [Schedule] [Course Descriptions] [Committee] [Photo Gallery] [Course Files]